Monday, May 28, 2012

Marking Two Years

Today All Not So Quiet Along the Potomac turns two.  Back in May 2010, I had no plans for how long I'd keep things going.  After all, twins were on the way, and life was about to get hectic!  Well, life is still busy, if not busier, than it was back then, yet I am still at it. 

This blog has been a fulfilling experience.  Although some professional historians may be skeptical of the blogosphere, I embrace its very existence.  Blogging has provided me with an outlet for researching and writing about the Civil War, just as it has for many others out there.  Years ago, it was hard to find a voice unless you published an article or a book.  The existence of blogging has changed all that.  Where else can a non-professional historian have a chance to reach such a wide audience and engage in an enriching dialogue with others who share the same passion?

Enjoying a cigar and Civil War history in Winchester this weekend.  I'll have a thing or two to say about the trip in a few upcoming posts.
I strive to offer my readers well-researched and interesting posts on a variety of Civil War topics.  As many of you know, I particularly enjoy exploring the lesser-known side of Northern Virginia and DC Civil War history.  I have plans to dig even deeper in the months ahead.   My list of planned posts just keeps on getting bigger and bigger.  Now if only I could find the time!  Right now I've been averaging about one post per week.  I'd love to do more, but it's hard even meeting my current schedule.

Finally, I'd like to thank my readers and fans out there.  I never could have dreamed when I first starting typing on my keyboard that so many of you would read my blog on a regular basis.  Your interest in what I write about is very satisfying to me.  Keep the questions and comments coming.  And I'll do my part to keep on posting!




  1. I'm still waiting to hear about Kernstown! ;) Sue

  2. Sue--Never fear! I just downloaded my nearly 300 pics from Winchester and am organizing my thoughts. A few posts are certainly in order! Thanks again for a great tour. I really enjoyed it. And what a gem of a site!
