Tuesday, December 17, 2013

An Upcoming Speaking Engagement on Fairfax's Contraband Camps

I just returned from a two-week work trip to Beijing. Needless to say, I had little spare time for blogging during my stay in China. I am glad to be back home now and look forward to a more normal posting schedule for the remainder of December!

Fairfax Museum and Visitor Center
This past year I devoted considerable attention to the contraband camps (or farms) that the Union Army established in Northern Virginia during the late spring of 1863. My research focused primarily on Camps Wadsworth and Beckwith, which were situated on land that is now part of McLean, Virginia. I am pleased to announce that the Fairfax Museum and Visitor Center has invited me to give a presentation on Northern Virginia's contraband camps as part of its "Second Sunday" Program. The event will take place at the Museum and Visitor Center in the City of Fairfax on Sunday, February 9, 2014, at 2 p.m. I plan to explore the fascinating history of the camps, including social, economic, military, and political dimensions. I will also offer some insights into where the camps were possibly located. For more information, see here.

The McLean Historical Society has also invited me to give a Civil War-related presentation in March 2014. I will be sure to provide more details as they become available.

Thanks to both organizations for giving me the opportunity to present the results of my research into Northern Virginia's Civil War history!

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