Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Change and Possibly More on the Way

As I approach my blog's sixth anniversary, I have started to think about how I may readjust the format and content here at All Not So Quiet Along the Potomac. My ability to keep a rigorous posting schedule has become difficult, but I don't want to discontinue writing when I have the urge, or remove the existing digital content. Many people use the blog as a resource center for research they are doing about the Civil War in these parts. They often come to me with questions concerning their Civil War ancestor, or more obscure battles around here like Vienna and Lewinsville. I sometimes feel like this has become more of a digital history project, even if not organized as such. At the same time, I haven't practiced law for nearly six years. Of course, once a lawyer, always a lawyer. Nonetheless, I have decided to remove the part of the blog's title "A DC Lawyer on the Civil War" to more accurately reflect what All Not So Quiet Along the Potomac is about. In the place of this wording, I am now saying, "The Civil War in Northern Virginia & Beyond." I am mulling additional changes here and will keep readers posted. Thanks again for stopping by!


  1. I like that change and that's what I'm here to read and learn about!

  2. I'd left a comment on another post and felt the need to tell you something, you just might appreciate. My Grandfather was Gen.Jubal Early (N.Va.). Yes, if the Civil War is your Research passion, as it is mine, you'd be hard pressed to find somewhere richer than Northern Virginia. Thanks for your efforts!

  3. You are welcome! Unfortunately the blog has been inactive going on three years now, and I don't have plans to reactivate it given all the competing demands in my life now. However, I am so glad to hear that people such as yourself are still finding my content useful! It was always my aim to get these stories out there to the public.
